- The Corner Camper - This person is known for sitting in 1 small corner trying to blend in with his/her surroundings so that when you run by them you don't see them. Here's facts about them
- They don't stay in one spot more then 1-2 kills but they will sit in that spot waiting for those kills for several minuets.
- After their kill they don't move far, they are hoping you will run back looking for them so they move to a location very close by that has a view of their previous location.
- They are known to rank up high killstreak's if people don't handle them correctly or having very few kills in an entire match if their location is ignored.
- They are normally slow on reflexes and know it.
- The Room Camper - This person is known for loving 1 room in the map, sometimes 2 rooms if they are forced to swap locations. (not to be confused with snipers) Here's facts about this person.
- They love 1 room/building (usually small).
- They will place a defense at one entrance and guard another.
- They may or may not move from one specific location, they are sometimes known to sit in one spot only moving if their defenses go off.
- They usually don't rank up high killstreak's, their best combination would be a 3,4,5 killstreak combo with hardline.
- The only camper who is not known to have a silencer because they want as many people walking through that door as they can have.
- The Spawn Defender - This person is often called a camper when he is in fact only defending his teams spawn so that the other does not swap spawns and start killing them from behind. Here's facts about this person.
- He/she is often confused with The Room Camper and even sometimes this person themselves thinks they are The Room Camper so he/she may move locations and ruin the plan.
- They are known to make use of what is happening to the team mates near by, meaning if one dies he/she knows where to look for their next target to defend the spawn.
- This is often considered a noob way of playing but is in fact a very good tactical advantage in a deathmatch.
- This person is known to rank up the highest of the killsteak's but unforntually for them they usually find themselves dead while using them.
- This person should be protected but their kills not taken, meaning when defending this person its often a good idea to let them get the kill and have you distract the enemy by running and hiding behind cover (this assist the player in ranking up their killsteaks)
- The Simple Camper - This person is known for staying in one spot, being visible from multiple directions but is still behind cover. This camper is the one that people should avoid but seems to be the most popular. Here are facts about this person
- They are known for having a location with 1 or 2 windows and swapping every few seconds.
- They are known to rank up low-mid killstreak's
- They die very often.
- They usually rank up one of the most kills but also a high death ranking.
- They will often get deathstreak's.
- They are usually simple minded and don't understand why the enemy keeps throwing grenades at them.
- They are often the person on the microphone after the match calling everyone else a camper and that their awesome and that everyone else sucks, etc, etc, etc.
- The Map Sprinter - This is a lesser known form of camping but is very often confused with the simple camper. This person is known for moving across 1/4 to 1/2 of the map depending on the size. Here's facts about them
- They are considered campers because the same person will usually go the same direction to try and kill them and their always there because they run across 1/4 the map then come back and you happen to meet up in the same spot again and again.
- This person is known to rank up mid-high killstreak's and is also known to use team assisting killsteak's.
- They often use an smg but are not against using a smaller assault rifle.
- They often have experience with a large verity of weapons and are not against swapping their primary to continue to fight.
- If the game measured distance traveled per player this person would have one of the most but yet would be insulted for being a camper after the match.
- Identify which type of camper they are, it is often good to have communication between you and your team.
- Don't run right in shooting because you have a small chance to even be aiming the right direction.
- Bring plenty of flash grenades.
- Bring your explosives. (don't be scared to be called a noob tuber, some people need to learn not to camp)
How to deal with each specifically.
- The Corner Camper
- Use your secondary grenades to get an idea of where they are.
- Don't be scared to throw your primary grenades after you flesh out a general location, as well as your rpg, grenade launchers etc.
- Don't every run to close to where you last seen them, they will simply kill you again.
- If you seem to be unable to kill them using the previous methods you can try 1 last thing and that is to flush them out, don't crook your grenade so they will either run or throw it back, or lay down suppressing fire while a team mate enters from the other side.
- The Room Camper
- Once you know which side they are guarding try the other move slowly and be careful on triggering their defenses. (claymore, bouncing betty, etc)
- use explosives in their last known location.
- Never enter the room unless they are shooting and you know for a fact they are not looking at you (their shooting makes noise they don't hear you and they are already pre occupied)
- The Spawn Defender
- Try to avoid this person because they have a good defense. (including spawning team members)
- Find their exact location. so that you know what their protecting.
- Move in as a group, this will allow the spawn locations to swap leaving that person alone, to break their killstreak may be worth several lives but you have to make it fast, failed attempts will only provide him with more killstreak's.
- The Simple Camper
- Snipe them, they often are not bright and will have their head out at almost all times.
- Throw some grenades in there, he most likely has no cover inside the building or is not thinking about it.
- Suppressing fire through the wall, again they are likely to have no cover.
- The Map Sprinter
- Identify the area he is sprinting through.
- Take cover behind something in that general area to view his path.
- When he moves away from that location lay some explosives on the ground
- Avoid shooting at this person exposing yourself to them, they are often a skilled player.
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