- What kind of a player are you? Are you constantly turning corners? Are you using cover and advancing slowly? Are you in a back room with a nice defense and a long view? Do you do combinations of these? Are you a camper? Do you run and gun? etc
- Are you generally outside or inside (when in a map)
- Do you remember to use your grenades?
- Are you always watching your back?
- Do you usually get a lot or few kills without dying?
Once you answer all of these your ready to make a class. Here's some steps to follow to help you.
- Pick your Primary weapon.
- Are you close, middle, ranged, moving, camping. Pick the appropriate catagory, i see people all the time using snipers at point blank, or smg at a distance.
- Pick the appropriate proficiency, if you are going to be using sniper then kick may not be the best for you, if your going to use 1 or 0 attachments then the attachments proficiency may not be that great.
- Attachments, make sure you use what you put on, if you put a grenade launcher on then use it, if you put a heartbeat sensor on then use it don't just have it.
- Camouflage, the maps have a very large verity of colors, textures, etc so if you decide to put on a camo use one that is not flashy or that will blend in to your environment, in most cases unless your sniping this is not a huge deal.
- Pick your Secondary weapon.
- Do you not often use it? if so then simply put on a launcher and take out air support as you have the opportunity.
- If you use it often say running out of ammo, or your sniping and need a close range gun then decide on for most i suggest a machine pistol because most people cant fire a semi auto fast enough and the automatic helps at point blank, but if you can pulse fire your handguns fast then i suggest one of those, it has less recoil and more accurate.
- Attachments for secondary's are useful, if your being stealth use silencer, if your just guarding a small area like a staircase use akimbo, this weapon is not meant for long range so the red dot sight and holographic sight are unnecessary.\
- Picking your Lethal
- Are you staying in one spot, moving, both? For people who often run into rooms and take the front line in breaching an area you may want to consider a frag or semtex, if you use frag remember to crook.
- If your more in one area, sniping, defending your spawn, you may want to consider a bouncing betty or claymore depending upon your location, in staircases, tight corners and hallways bouncing bettys are awesome. If your in a room and need a cover claymore also works, unlike bouncing bettys claymores can be hidden around corners and the enemy does not have to walk on them just near them.
- Very few scenarios call for throwing knife or c4, but if you plan to swap spawn or cover your back or run and gun with fast moving classes you may consider one of these although they are not suggested.
- Picking your Tactical
- If you breach rooms or turn corners a flash or concussion grenade do well, smoke grenades can be used like this to but are more suggested for sniping, this allows the sniper to get into place and not be spotted from long range (place it wisely).
- If your more of the type to try and take over their spawn a scrambler works well once you get in there as well as portable radar for getting there
- If you are worried about an rpg being shot at you the trophy system is a good bet, for snipers in a location placing a trophy system appropriately can save them from incoming explosives.
- Emp grenades are more for if you know a sentry gun is around the corner and your only reason for being there is to remove it, or a claymore around the corner, they can be used well but i haven't seen much use for them at this time.
- Tactical insertions are not recommended because they are bright, the sit in one spot and someone who finds it will camp it until you spawn there. They can however bee good for breaching enemy spawn but are very risky.
- Picking your perk 1.
- Make sure the perk is useful to you, don't use Extreme Conditioning if you are going to sit in one spot, don't use Scavenger if you are good with many weapons (picking up weapons is a good thing to learn/remember to do), don't use Blind Eye if your sitting inside or in a corner, Don't use Recon if your not using explosives.
- Make sure the perk works with the class, Recon is good if your using a grenade launcher, rocket launcher, and other grenades/explosives often
- Slight of hand is good for most playing types
- Blind eye is more for someone doing run and gunning over a sniper or camper
- Extreme conditioning is more for a run and gunner over a sniper or camper
- Scavenger is more for those who are not great with a multitude of weapons
- Picking your Perk 2.
- Make sure the perk is useful to your game style
- Quickdraw is for run and gunners
- Blast shield is better for snipers
- Hardline is better for people who have trouble with killstreak's
- Assassin is better for sniper, people using silencers, stealth players.
- Overkill is more for snipers who need a back defense its good to have an smg, or if they move often sometimes a smaller assault rifle.
- Picking your perk 3
- Make sure the perk fits your play style
- Marksman is more for a sniper or long range assault rifle player (3 shot burst assault rifle's are suggested)
- Stalker is more for a run and gunner just make sure you turn corners aiming.
- Setrep is more for the player who is running around, although i noticed not may people use explosives in my personal experience.
- Steady aim is more for if your hip firing which would be more suggested at point blank with an smg rather then sniping or using an assault rifle.
- Dead silence is more for a sneaky person rather then someone camping a single corner or sniping.
- Strike package
- For killing based matches killstreak's from the assault class are suggested
- For team games like domination support is suggested, this allows your team to do their job better
- For games such as free for all, or capture the flag the specialist is not a bad way to go this will allow you to be an all around better player and not worry about using air support, where to use it, how to hide when using it, etc.
- For more details on killstreaks click Here
- Death streak
- I do not suggest revenge because it will make you greedy and get yourself killed again looking for that person.
- If you die a LOT to the point where you really shouldn't be playing then Dead man's hand is a good deathstreak for you (mainly for the close range run and gun type.
- If your a run and gunner juiced is great, it allows you to get there asap and be ready for the encounter a 2nd time.
- If you are the person who dies a lot but is a really good player just having a bad match Hollow points is great, it allows you after dying to use your skill to make a fast recovery with extra bullet damage
Don't use AC130 in a search and destroy, who will seriously get that many kills in a search every time? Be smarter then the other players.
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